Fighting Gourmet Mediocrity

We must defend "Good products", healthy products and the "Art of Well cooking" them. Each people from each countries has its culture, its habits, its tastes, its methods, its specialties, its specific products... We must respect our differences: Learning "from the other" is always very enriching. Globalization brings "Good and Bad", often mediocrity in Gastronomy. This is evident in the Wine World! For example when large global groups are spreading a single false thought to new wine consumers: It is a moral duty to spread the truth and educate consumers.

A 62a, ma carrière est faite comme l'on dit... Né au sein d'une famille de gastronomes, fils d'une cuisinière, j'ai eu le bonheur de côtoyer certains des meilleurs Chefs du monde, les meilleurs producteurs, visiter et séjourner dans des endroits d'exceptions de par le monde. Ce long cumul d'expériences facilite ma motivation première, celle de promouvoir une gastronomie de qualité, du bon sandwich au divin repas signé Michel Guerard. Promouvoir des PME me motive comme jamais... La mondialisation a été le prétexte à l'uniformisation du vin sur nos tables, souvent avec la complicité affichée de grandes "maisons" françaises qui produisent ailleurs, détruisant ainsi l'avenir de nos "petits" producteurs et "petites" appellations dans les gammes de vins à moins de 5.-€, où il existe pourtant tant de bons vins! Les services commerciaux de ces sociétés françaises prétendent que les vins sur-maturés, sans acidité, forts en alcool et sucres sont adaptés aux repas! Ils prétendent que les vignobles de ces chauds pays sans saisons et aux vignes irriguées donnent des vins équilibrés! Il faut combattre ces mensonges commerciaux qui tirent les nouveaux consommateurs asiatiques vers la médiocrité gastronomique... Je m'y emploie à ma petite échelle.


Ouah... Breakfast EMIRATES in Dubaï

6 am: "I'm hungry, I did not eat on the plane, I was sleeping ..."
           "No problem..."
                                                                              Details: I was invited by friends ...

Foie Gras - Chassagne Montrachet 1er Cru 2011
Grilled Wagyu Beef  - Leoville Las Case 2009 (!)


Grand Conseil du Vin de Bordeaux - Commanderie de Bordeaux

Au Park Hyatt Saigon, diner gala du Grand Conseil des Vins de Bordeaux, Commanderie de Bordeaux.

Repas réussi, même si des détails auraient rehaussé son niveau; accueil, table, service et salle absolument parfait. Du grand professionnalisme de la part de cet établissement.


I'm at HOFEX 2017 Hong Kong

After FOODEX Shanghai and Tokyo, Food & Hotel Saïgon, it is HOFEX Hong Kong. It is very important for me to visit or participate on it. See, hear, taste, learn, compare, meet especially... The world changes very quickly ... Staying at home does not make it possible to understand it.


Everywhere you see it: Cutlery in the wrong way!

To take his spoon it is necessary to touch the others that one will put in mouth. Hello viruses, infections, diseases, microbes, fecal matter and urine... Durty, durty and durty... I'm tired and angry of seeing this everywhere or almost ...



Saigon Most Trendy Restaurant : Pizza 4Ps

Extra ! General ambience, location, Food, drinks, service... Original restaurant is at Le Thanh Ton Str, second at Ben Thanh. Also in other cities. Yesterday night I was at Ben Thanh. 3 floors. Delicious...  In 2017 restaurant chain worldwide renowned, led by Japanese who make their own cheeses in Dalat. 

Mazzarella Suschi

Ouah ! In Vietnam, wines pairing with food! It is rare in this country where 90% of restaurants offer strong or too sweet wines from warm countries incompatible with food. Here good Chablis, Domaine Faiveley, Hugel, Pascal Jolivet... and Tursan AOC Esprit. Nice selection.

MAROU Chocolate shop in Ho Chi Minh City

Several months ago I talked about MAROU Chocolate: I love it. Today I went to the store, Calmette Street. 
They present the manufacture, various products and 12 chocolate cakes to taste. 
"Chocolate mousse" 125000.- Dong. Original presentation with these buttons on. It's a milk chocolate mousse, with a harder heart, and hard biscuit underneath. The mousse is very ordinary, almost tasteless. The biscuit is horrible: Hard and absolutely tasteless. It is very surprising that they can propose a cake like this... Note: 6/20 
Their chocolates are excellent, but they must make good use of them!
 Apparent cream... 
 Hard-dry biscuit tasteless...